Louisiana Slave Rebellion Re-enactment 2019

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In November 2019, Artist, Dread Scott, brought to life a re-enactment of the historically renown 1811 German Coast Uprising.

Four hundred actors dressed as slaves and marched up to 26 miles, over two days, from rural plantations toward New Orleans proclaiming their freedom.  Producers of the Slave Rebellion Reenactment (SRR) contracted us to ensure that they had accounted for all safety aspects of their moving live art performance.

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We led a planning workshop that brought together key stakeholders in the format of a tabletop workshop Decision-makers were given the opportunity to think about their preparedness and response to a variety of situations that may arise and collaborate to agree contingency responses. Examples of circumstances included protests, logistics challenges, coordination and communication, changing weather, and more. TESS also reviewed existing planning and documentation, and provided immediate recommendations following the exercise to improve the event.

The SRR performance was a huge success, generating a lot of interest on social media and served as a uniquely moving art performance in Louisiana.  Most importantly, however, the march concluded safely having achieved its core goals.